Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!


i am not initially wanting to hear a brand name but more a TYPE of connection.

is Optical better than Coaxial ?  Is USB better than BNC ?   What IS BNC anyways?!     I read somewhere that a COAX input that utilizes any old RCA cable is much worse than a dedicated COAX cable - that was news to me!

After i learn these things, i will look for a good brand, but if there is a TYPE that outperforms other TYPEs i want to begin with that...

thank you for your comments


if there is no general consensus, that is good, i keep doing whatever i am doing now.

What i was afraid of - IF I WAS TRYING TO A_B test two components, using coax on one and optical on the other - i didn't want one of the components to have an advantage that i wasn't aware of - so that it would win a close competition unfairly...

@rop45 Nope. Toslink generally used between cd transports, players, optical fiber is network cable, does same job as ethernet cable.

toslink is a connector terminating an optical fiber.  Optical fiber is the number one technology in the world to transfer data.

USB sucks. Of course you will have dealers recommending usb because they want to sell you a number of tweaks/gimmicks to try to improve usb. 
Ethernet/fiber/network or i2s aware best if your dac supports them but only the better dacs supports these interfaces.

Now it’s not just type of digital , but vastly overlooked the quality of the Ethernet cables , and Ethernet hub , the Ethernet cable closet tothe server, streamer is for sure most critical ,the one from the modem to router the quality forsure counts 

but not quite as much ,thelonglengty from router to. Hub just has to beat least a respectable cat 6 , like Beldon top Ethernet , then to a Uptone audio ether regen ,

onthe other side T from usb this USBe regenerator for around $300 from underwood Wally truly cleans up jitter ,far better then anything in its price class l

sonore optical fiber optic is very good but you need 2 at $1500 each expensive 

I spent almost $4 kjust in digital cables ,now I need buy a reference dac 

this stuff gets compulsive , I willjust save wait until next summer then see if digital has gotton better still, there are many great products and cables of all price point .

and yes digital cables have different Sonic characters ,how much are you willing to spend is the ?