Looking to replace a CD transport...

Any suggestions, need to replace a transport...?


I'm considering the purchase of a PS Audio PW transport, not the memory player. There are many for sale in the $1,400 range. Does anyone have any better picks in the $1,000-$2,000 range? 

I have an Aesthetix  Mimas integrated with their DAC board.

The Jay's transport is out of my budget!





You can certainly do worse than a P.S. Audio PWT. I used one in my audio system for 12 very enjoyable years . It provided terrific sound quality and is very reliable. I purchased  the Pro-Ject RS2T CD transport in NOV 2021. The overwhelming positive comments from many owners of it caught my attention.

It is as good as advertised to say the least. It provides superb sound quality and does exceed my long term PWT. It is both more highly resolved and simultaneously more organic and engaging in its sonic presentation. Diminutive in size/form factor (By design) yet hugh sound quality dividends. This mind you with the standard wall wart power supply (SMPS). It becomes even more impressive when used with a good quality linear power supply (LPS).

Yet I feel there are few CD transports that will outperform the PWT. Used models offer significant value/sound quality in my opinion. I take the position that the CD transport is as vital to obtain good sound as is the DAC.


@charles1dad I have read many good commentaries on the impression the    Project RS2T CD transport has been able to make on those who have moved over to it.

It is reassuring to know how satisfactory the P.S. Audio PWT was during your period of ownership.

I have a inquisitive nature, hence the DAC undergoing Tube Rolling, then visiting different locations to put it through further trials, when something impresses as the DAC has with the PWT, I can enter into the Zone of 'What If', hence the Jay's Audio Devices just a short journey away are an attractive proposition to learn a little more about what can be achieved.

In 2023, when I am hopefully settled in the home again. I will have a PWT > Jay's Audio > Project RS2T CD transport experience, to see what is attainable. I also have a few new items to trial in the home system with the vinyl source for this year as well.

To keep the CD interest ongoing and relevant, I have recently been able to be demonstrated an EAR Acute CDP, that has been Tube Rolled, with a the final Tube Selection being early 1960 E88CC's, now these are adorning the CDP, the new additions have transformed its presentation to another level, especially one that has been unimaginable to be achieved by the CDP's owner.           



I have no doubt that the EAR Acute  CDP sounds as you describe. The late Tim Paravicini was indeed a very talented designer/builder of audio electronic components. I strongly suspect that you'll be highly impressed with the Jay's CD transport.


One thing I really appreciate with the Audiolab CDT6000 is that it shuts itself down when I leave the player on pause. The lack of this feature has probably cost me several transports, as I often fall asleep while they were on pause, so could be spinning for days

You may be able to find a used Jay's in that price range or a little above.  Depending on condition, you should be able to get them for $1400 to $1800 with the MK3 upgrade.  But you will need to wait. 

The Cyrus transport is wonderful assuming your CD collection is in pristine condition.  It has minimal error correction which makes it sound stunningly good, but if the disk is not perfect or too thin, it will not work.