Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


1,772 posts


And then what did Hannity tell you to think?

Have you got any refutation of what I said or just character assassination? Never mind I know the answer. Pitiful bunch

This is a telling quote. This guy believes that anyone recognizing where he gets his "news" is character assassination. 



Guys like Artemus and clearthinker can’t ruin anything unless you let them. The topic of the thread was basically the perceived tube problem isnt really a problem. Someone posts an anti BLM comment. We can react or we can keep on moving. Clearthinker decides to pick on a typo in one of my posts because…well, he probably thinks I was criticizing his Team. Whatever….slowing down for stupid isnt productive so lets just keep on moving.


So, the tube and baby formula supply chain issues will get worked out.