High Efficiency Options?

I’m thinking about assembly a pretty modest second system based on tubes. I think for a basic el34 amp most speakers 85db or higher would satisfy but I’d like to play with low powered tube amps. System will be in a small bedroom and I won’t use it to listen loud often, so I’m thinking anything in high 80db range will work. To give you an idea of my taste I use Harbeth c7s with Primaluna seperates fed from my Audio Mirror Tubadour and Auralic Aries. I don’t have a large budget for speakers, probably 1,000-1,500, and I’ll buy used. I have decent grasp of what’s available for the most part, but not really when it comes to high efficiency speakers. I know of Zu and Tekton but don’t find what I’ve read about them too appealing. Outside of those two I’m not really sure what’s out there in my price range. Any ideas or recommendations would be much appreciated. 


- @ 92 db efficiency, it’s a +1 for the REFERENCE 3a MM De Capos ( the predecessor “i” or the current newer “BE” tweeter models). If it’s for a smaller room (bedroom) then it’s smaller sibling DULCETs will do nicely.

- @89db efficiency in a small room and “within reason “ listening levels, here is a fine budget option




  Hi I have a budget limited system. Rogue RP-1 pre, Had Inspire SEP HO, and Zu Omens. Front end Schiit Yiggy and Thorens TT. I like the ZU’s very much. I have Heresy II’s in the closet. I gave them away and like a bad penny they’re back. I’m running SEP, some mentioned SET, big difference. I can run anything from EL 34 to KT 150. With the right tube, the Zu’s can produce amazing bass. I tailor the tone by rolling in a rectifier tube. The fellow I purchase the Zu’s from had Tekton, Klipsch, Omega and a few more. He currently rotates Devore and Zu Druids. That being said he preferred the Omens over ALL the other high efficiency speakers in the price range you mention. I had a pair of Klipsch KG 1.5’s that I gifted my son. They actually bested the Heresys and made more bass. I ran them in my bedroom on stands with the Had and then a Marantz. 2223. That being said today I’d consider the Triangle Borea 3 as my next to try. In this category the two biggest issues were taming brightness and creating enough low end to avoid a subwoofer. I hope my rambling is helpful and happy hunting. 

845SET amps open one up for less efficient speakers, expect lots of heat though.


I had Omegas matched to 2a3 SET monoblocks in bedroom system some years ago, magic mids, but these not full range speakers.


Merlin VSM may fit your needs, could be above your price range, very musical, 90db sens.