To change the subject.
An interesting thing happened today. I brought back my CODA 07x preamp to my office and removed my Benchmark LA4 preamp from the office. I learned that the CODA 07x maybe useful with my, soon to be delivered, RAAL VM-1a headphone amp (it has only 1 input). So, in it went to the office system.
I had a ROON software update done today before the gear changes, I was listening with my Musetec 005 DAC after the update and not the Benchmark DAC3B. Both DACs were working flawlessly in the past with either one of my preamps.
Today the DAC3B had a lot of distortion on the music, this was easy to hear with ADELE 21 stream from my FLAC version on my hard drive. On the Musetec 005 I had no distortion, just perfect sound. I did some investigation (changing XLR’s, preamps, USB cables) and narrowed it down to the DAC3B now requiring the HEADROOM MANAGEMENT feature enabled in ROON. I found that values less than -3 on the HEADROOM ADJUSTMENT fixed the distortion I was hearing.
I am testing all of this on my RAAL SR1a headphone which are uber revealing.
Interesting aspect of this issue is that the Musetec 005 did not have the distortion after the ROON update and the DAC3B did not need the -3 or less adjustment prior to the software update.
Now that this is all fixed, I am doing A | B comparisons of the 2 DACs with 2 streams from 2 OpticalRendu’s. It is so easy to hear the differences in these 2 DACs. The Musetec is such a clear winner with the RAAL SR1a. When I get my tube RAAL VM-1a amp I am not sure if the Musetec 005 will be the winner.
Ok, back to whatever we were discussing.
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