Nordost cable damage - opinions?

I bought a pair of second hand Nordost Frey 2 speaker cables but the seller did not specify that there was a bit of damage to one of the strands in one cable


The silver is stripped at that point revealing the copper, and there’s likely some damage to the copper underneath also. The sound does not sound flawed in that there’s no obvious noise or anomalies, but at the same time I don’t know if it’s performing as well as it should be.


It is a flaw on one single silver coated copper ferrule this won’t affect your audio performance…. but it will give you a more difficult time to sell them, and force you to swallow a haircut on your asking price should you elect to sell them.

Seller should have noted the problem when listing them: that’s what the ratings are for. It probably doesn’t affect the sound but as the first poster said it will affect the reselling price. If they are long term keepers I would not worry about it but if you are frequently turning over your gear more than likely you won’t get what you paid .

Too bad you have to find out the seller was  not forthcoming.

Frey2 is great cable. I would just let it ride and enjoy the music. As mentioned, if you ever decide to move up the Nordost food chain, you'll just have to take the hit and sell at a loss. 

It's just superficial, and slowing the supposed "velocity of propagation" .0001%

Always get a laugh when I see that spec.

I use all H2 with a Frey@ phono cable in my setup.