How far is your SUT from your Phono Pre/Preamp?

Had to go back to the internal SUT in my phono pre today because it needs to be at least 3 feet away from the preamp or phono pre to prevent hum. Is this normal? I don't really have the 3 feet available.


Yeah, it does sound pretty dang silly.

Can I report my own post for being a complete waste of everyone’s time?

I think I get it. He was using an external SUT instead of the one built into his phono pre-amp but switched back because he was getting hum.

Usually hum is from cables that are not properly shielded, ground issues, things like that. I run a Denon AU-340 SUT with 3' cables going into my Audio Research SP8 that sits about 10" from the SUT. No issues what ever. I have all my grounds attached to the back of my SUT, the ground from the SP8 and the ground from the tonearm cable.

