Considering moving on from B&W...

Hi all, I have ben a B&W speaker owner ever since I bought a par of ny first "real" speakers while i college back in 2001, the CDM7SE and a Marantz SR14 to power it. Over the years, I moved up the Nautilus line by cashing my scholarship checks each year (which my parens didn't find out until years later thankfully lol) and went from 804 to 803 to 802. During that time I also got ito McIntosh amps. Anyway, when I finished with my Masters, I had those 802's and an MC352 powering them. I kept those 802's until 2018 when I traded them in for the new 802 D3's and HTM1D3. 

I have found myself losing interest in the B&W house sound. I am looking to move away from the super forward and highly analytical sound they bring to something much more musical. I  have a dealer close to me that is willing to do a straight 802 D3's for a pair of Magico A3's. Wanted to see what the board thought of that deal and their thoughts on the A3. I have not had a chance to hear them yet,

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I have found myself losing interest in the B&W house sound. I am looking to move away from the super forward and highly analytical sound they bring to something much more musical.

Totally agree.  I respect B&W’s sound, but I never loved it — never sounded like real music to me.  Speakers that trounce B&Ws in musicality but still offer excellent detail are Joseph Audio, ProAc, Usher, and Vandersteen among others and would be well worth seeking out for a listen — I think you’ll hear the difference immediately.  Magico obviously makes great speakers, but let your ears be your guide.  Best of luck.

Magico are incredibly fast and accurate speakers… does not at all sound like the right direction for you. Magico require extremely good and musical input or you get analytical… and the shortcomings of your electronics reproduced with great accuracy.


I have recently listened to the A3 for several hours. The top of the line Luxman amp. Musical they were not. Sounded pretty good… but not real musical.

I have had very accurate systems for decades… but somewhat missing the musicality… you can see my current systems under my user ID. They are incredibly musical… but with all the detail (a long story). To me musicality is critical (rhythm and pace with midrange bloom).

So, to me the most musical speakers are Sonus Faber, high detailed and musical components Audio Research… then realy musical components Conrad Johnson and VAC… Cary. Notice they are all tubed…


B&W and McIntosh have a very distinctive sound… great for rock… and some other heavy genres. But real musical and detailed systems you must look elsewhere.

It might have been helpful to mention what's in front of them:

:Surround Proessor : AVM90

Preamp: McIntosh C2700 Tube




SACD: McIntosh MCD301

blu ray: Oppo -203