What difference do power cables make?

I’m considering a purchase (about $1000) that will include a power distribution box and a couple of very good cables to service my power amp and subwoofer..

For those who have upgraded power cables, how you would describe the sound quality difference in your system?

Do you feel that it was worth the additional investment?


@dayglow Your experience of different outcomes when improving the input AC speaks to what someone else said about the internal power supply of the end component being more important to the equation than the power cord, et al. Any cord or cable is a purely passive device so it can only take away (filter). A well designed power supply is designed to filter, so pre-filtering might or might not have an audible affect (imo). I'm not pointing the finger at you, I just picked your response because you mentioned different end component experiences with the same source. 

I have been fascinated for a while with the differences between folks that try to contribute to the forum by saying, I tried this and that and this is what I found… maybe this can be helpful to you.

Versus… stuff like @1971gto455ho above who adds no actual experience to the conversation but just judgment and a put down to folks that may actually have experience to the contrary. I am always puzzled at the point. If I had tried five or six different power cords and not heard a difference, that is what I would say… this is my system, this is what I tried and heard… but why the indictment of those who have other experiences.

I can easily tell the differences among different power cords… particularly on amplifiers. It is obvious… so can every other audiophile I have ever known. I guess I just don’t get the point. For those of us that know what is going on it is like a proclamation of stupidity. But why publicly broadcast it.


When I was an executive I remember occasionally having an employee somewhere that thought he was so superior to everyone in the company and just railed at his lowly position. He would reach the breaking point and on the way out the door send out an email to  everyone in the company proclaiming how incompetent everyone else was. The rest of the executives and I would get together an never need to discuss the email… it was so clearly written by a deranged individual… it was not worth spending a minute of time on. Every bit of evidence to prove the sender had no credibility was included in the email.  I actually kept track of a few of these people… they got another job and were terminated in a very few months.

Good evening all, an Executive with a disgruntled employee story means.. what ? Sort of flexing a muscle when nobody’s watching, you and a mirror I guess. I don’t fault a person for believing what they hear. I tend to believe in electrical and mechanical science. And as with most I to Believe my audio hearing. Sounds like I stepped on a few pompous executive toes oops. Now let me tell you about the electronics and wiring in my cars….



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