How best to eliminate LP warps

I own about 2500 LPs, and I like to think they're flat.  Furthermore, I espoused the view that warped LPs ought to be discarded.  But lately I have found 2 or 3 of my LPs that do have warps but sound too good and are too precious for the music recorded on them to throw away.  So I am in the market for ideas on how to remove warps.  I am aware that there was a device on the market that looked like a large waffle maker, to be used for warp removal.  I think Furutech made it, but I never see it advertised these days.  I am also aware of the DIY method of placing an LP between two glass plates and heating the ensemble.  The question there would be how hot and for how long?  Any suggestions are welcome, especially opinions on the efficacy of the Furutech.  Thanks.  Please no comments on vacuum hold down; I think it's a great idea but none of my five turntables has that feature.



No! No! No1 The physics will not work for you. Once a round object is warped it is really not round w/an eccentricity of 1.0! Nothing you do will ever bring the eccentricity back to 1.0! In essence you will now have an ellipse and your lp is not round. Watch the tonearm swing and make your lp sound on the weird side. Benn there, done that! Also, too much pressure w/heat = NO MORE GROOVEs!!!!

Not so sure about that jazzguy.


1. a record is pressed as a perfect circle

2. then is warped, e.g. by heat or pressure, and assumes an elliptical shape with a warp

3. then heat and pressure could return it to a perfect circle without a warp.

Or am I missing something?

I see Jazz guys’ point, if you assume that a warp represents a local stretching of the vinyl, such that there is excess material in the horizontal plane and this forces the warp to occur. Like pavement expansion on hot days. If we assume that that is the genesis of a warp, then it must also be true that the LP will have thinned out in the region of the warp in order to produce the aberration. I have never observed such a thing, and I have never stored any LP ever under conditions that could conceivably cause vinyl to “melt” and warp in that fashion. So this is my reasoning why I also doubt jazz guy’s thesis. But I don’t doubt he saw what he saw. Perhaps the occasional LP comes from its factory in that condition, the warp having been caused by uneven heating in the press. But don’t we assume that most warps occur while the LP is in our own hands, in our own house?

Dear @jw944ts  : "  if i understand your situation, you have a very  small percentage of your LP collection with warps that concern you, BUT , when played, you dont notice a mistracking or audible problem....may i ask why you why wish to attempt to remedy this?  If its not broken, dont fix it.. "


You are totally rigth an accurated.


This thread goes around 100 posts in a thread that after the jw posts has no sense. It's the classic op style and he has the rigth to do it. So go ahed.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
