Disappointing short life of NOS preamp tube

Being sarcastic really.

I only got 7 years out of  50's 12au7 RCA black plate. That may indicate 5 more randomly futzing out the rest of this year.

With the state of tube pricing now, tubes definitely not on my list of unnecessary audiophool spending.

I was really hoping these things going for 20, especially them just being preamp tubes, not a power tube. Fortunately, I have one more for backup, plus the 6 stock tubes in the shoebox.

Such is life. I'm more impressed by my relatively quick troubleshooting, avoiding severe neurosis. Less than 5 minutes-patting myself on the back, and praise from the boss.




Yeah, I figure it was in the upper range nearing 10K hours. As said in the opening post, I'm just goofing on the fact they lasted "only 7 years."

I get most of my tubes from Brent Jesse, and trust his listings. If he say's their NOS, I rely on that.


I get most of my tubes from Brent Jesse, and trust his listings. If he say’s their NOS, I rely on that.

I actually wonder that. Not sure there’s a guarantee of being "NOS", or whether that would even matter except for power tubes. That said, I’ve bought many, many tubes from Brent over the years and I appreciate his service and selection. He’s got lots of really nice exotics you can’t find elsewhere, except for taking gambles on the ’bay. Brent’s tubes always test good and sound great! He doesn’t make mistakes. No bum tubes. He even takes care to generally select clean looking tubes.

If you got 10,000 hours on a 12AU7 I think that falls into "great job, little tube" territory :) 

"I actually wonder that. Not sure there’s a guarantee of being "NOS", or whether that would even matter except for power tubes."

mulveling- yeah, the "NOS" thing is roll of the dice. With preamp tubes, it may not be such an issue whether or not you're getting a genuine, unused "NOS" tube.

True NOS is something you actually purchased  from the local hardware or drug store for $1.87, tossed in a box in storage for the next 60 years, and you "discover" it.

I've been using some 50's  RCA 6L6G's (the low voltage coke bottles) also from Brent that were installed just weeks after the 12AUf7's. One just died the other day.

I'm  hoping to get another batch from him, and refresh all 8 needed. 

I had a pair of 1964 Mazda 6dj8 that came from Brent Jessee and they were matched section, matched pair.   They were some of the best sounding tubes I have ever owned.   Unreal tone , unfortunately the preamp they went in is tough on tubes so they didn’t last as long as expected but man did they sound good 

About six months ago I bought a 12at7 from Upscale, from Kevin’s Stash    It was a Mullard 6201 and it sounds incredible.    

The above dealers are a safe bet   

I have an amp that is a hybrid, It uses both sides of one small signal tube a 6DJ8 on the input (no need to match tubes) and the output uses power transistors. A ridiculously good sound. In this scenario the tube will and does last a very long time and the amp has been powered up 24/7 for best possible sound. Initially I have tube rolled with different brands that have produced dramatic results. It is nice to be able to tailor the sound for my speakers and for my own own tastes.