Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces

Gonna purchase a new system shortly.

Integrated Amp (Luxman 505u or Bryston b135sst2).

I have already listed to the Vandys through the Bryston and love 'em.

Any opinions on the Ohm 2000 vs Vandersteen 2CesSig?
Both seem reasonable matches to either amp.

I'm partial to the OHMs and the sound of omnis which tend to have a more life like presentation to me. Also I like that the OHMs use a single wide range driver up to 7Khz or so which is great for overall musical coherency.

I'm less familiar with the Vandy sound. I would expect very good results from these as well but more like conventional 3-way speakers albeit open-baffle which might tend to take the presentation somewhere more in between conventional box designs and omnis.
((I'm less familiar with the Vandy sound. I would expect very good results from these as well but more like conventional 3-way speakers albeit open-baffle which might tend to take the presentation somewhere more in between conventional box designs and omnis.))

Why are you babbling ?
The man asks for an opinion of the Ohms Vs Vandersteens. All you did was affirm your buying decision to others with out any real facts.
I used to own Ohms they had a neat Omni effect but at the expense of being slightly veiled.
Cheers JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer for over 20 years
Audio connection,

Who's babbling? So tell us something about the vandies then if you
can help answer the question.

Modern ohms do not sound like those from years ago.

I have heard vandersteens but not as much as ohms.