"I have yet to see any solid evidence that the standard accepted set of audio and electrical measurements are inadequate to account for perceived differences in sound quality, but I remain open to new discoveries."
Thank you for your most intelligent and interesting response. Your testing results are very insightful. I quoted your comment above because this is exactly where an email debate with a well known bass trap producer and I foundered. He was firm that everything that could be measured physically that is related to audio has been measured. My counter-claim was that since we are still in the medieval ages when it comes to perception and brain research, we simply cannot know for certain that we are measuring all that is necessary on the physics side. That’s where we broke off our correspondence -- not least when he started throwing words like "dupes" and "shills" got into the mix. He argued well up to a point but then went ad hominem on those who claim to hear differences.
Thanks for re-presenting your post! Trying to digest it...
@teo_audio @noske
TEO: With eyes, we can discern VERY small changes in color and tonality, the kind that the finest measurement systems MISS ENTIRELY....the same sort of things happen in the world of measurement of audio signals and the human ear. There is a huge body of work regarding ears and hearing, and all which is connected to that.
cables make a difference, and people can hear it reliably. Get over yourself and your limitations and stop beating up others because they can. Jebus.
this subject is so tired, that if I owned this forum, I’d have a period of banning people (week and then month long on the second offense, etc) who keep bringing it up, until the insistent finally take the hint and give it up.
Thanks for your post. I always learn from you. I cannot actually tell if you think I’m a cable skeptic or not. I’m not a skeptic. Indeed, the very point of my cartoon is not that cables don’t make a difference. I’m actually getting at YOUR point, namely that the connections between physics, physiology, perception, and interpretation are so poorly mapped out that the lack of a specific answer -- in the cartoon, that’s the "miracle occurs" joke -- causes some people to become skeptics. But, and we agree on this, that is bad reasoning. In other words, I’m trying to add some detail to the breakdown point in the inquiry, not take a side. (Maybe you see that, but I cannot tell for sure.)