To RX8man, people have taken the lid of as Mr. Perry has said, and no one has been able to duplicate the sound of the Memory Player, and that does include VRS.
As per cost, of course the price of this technology will eventually come down, but what most people don't realize is that what you are really paying for is the two plus years and 1,000s of man hours developing the code employed by the Memory Player.
If you compare the Memory Player to Microsoft's latest attempt to get it right "Vista" then you can get a great perspective. A retail copy of Vista costs about $300.00 when the net cost to produce this product in quantity is probably less than $5.00.00!
What is in a box of software a disc, some printed pamphlets
and a nice looking box. So why $300.00? As I am sure Mr. Gates would tell you it costs millions and millions of dollars to develop the code over many, many years and a ridiculous amount of expensive programming man hours!
Unlike Microsoft both of these companies will sell hundreds of units not millions so the cost for a while will be high to cover, recoup and then to make profit for the designers and principles.
Most audiophiles have no problem spending a lot of money on a pair of cables or other associated hardware, the Memory Player and the VRS both are more than the sum of their respective parts, and should be thought of in that light.
The fact that you can take apart a $32,000.00 pair of Avalon Edilon Diamonds and build your own knock off version for the sum of its parts which would probably cost you less than $6,000.00!
So why doesn't everyone build their own? Obviously it isn't as easy to do, or everyone would be building their own speakers.
As per the difference between the companies just check out the bio difference between the designers.
With Nova Physics you have two of the most respected audiophile engineers in the industry: Mark Porzilli and George Bischoff. Melos had a ten plus year run with great sounding and innovative products and technologies.
Remember the SHA Gold, which was I believe the first audiophile headphone amplifier, then there was the photon coupled volume control developed by Porzilli, then there was the Pipedreams speakers which reinvented the line source array and there were also if I remember the first really high powered triode based tube amplifiers.
VRS looks like they have a snappier website, and probably has a real user interface, but given the engineering backgrounds between the two companies I would bet there would be no contest between them.