What is this term 'analytical' ?

I see this routinely in reviews & comments and so do you:

It’s too analytical. It’s so analytical that it’s not musical. Etc.

What does this mean? You can actually hear stuff? You picture math problems on a chalkboard? A shrink’s couch?

Isn’t the entire point of this hobby to hear music clearly? But apparently: not too clearly?



How 'bout we start using a new term -- convincing. Does the sound fool you into momentarily believing there's no longer an electro-mechanical intermediary between you and the music?


What a brilliant suggestion!  'Convincing' - I love it.


On a good day, with a good recording I'd give my system an 8.

Otherwise we're talking 5 or 6.


The only system I heard that got near to what you're describing was a vinyl / tube system playing some 50s jazz LP through the Avantgarde Trios.

I should have stayed and listened longer, but it seemed so outlandishly out of my reach back then that I quickly dismissed it as an unreachable fantasy that might become uncomfortable if I became too familiar. 

Many years later I'd now love to revisit that system to see if it could do the same with other material.

Perhaps someone with more experience of the Trios could chime in?

I dont mind giving a note....

Better system than mine exist anyway...

But i listen music now without even thinking about sound...

There is a qualitative threshold, an acoustic minimal experience, over it, you forgot sound and experience music...

People obsessed by sound dont enjoy this threshold for a reason related to mechanical, electrical or acoustical problem or all these three together.... At any price tag....


“There is a qualitative threshold, an acoustic minimal experience, over it, you forgot sound and experience music...‘

This is a good point. Very true… at some point a system becomes really engaging… and after that… it is just engaging and absolutes don’t mater. Sure.. better is better… but better to enjoy than spend all your time questing for better.