Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?

I was never thrilled with my Shunyata Triton/Typhon pc.

It improves the SQ but not dramatically. And it is two large chassis that take up a lot of real estate. And not particularly attractive. And we’re $18K new! One would expect transformative performance.

Just went to great lengths and expense to run a dedicated AC line. $4.5K of special Oyaide cable, duplexes and cover plates. And $1.2K electrician.

It was also highly recommended that I also go with an isolation transformer. Went from Torus to Bryston to Equitech. Focusing on the balanced power Equitech.

Getting one, I am curious to know if it will “blow away” my T/T as I have been told.

And with the dedicated AC, maybe not plugging my amps into the new duplexes but the Et would be better. Or plugging in the Et to the T/T and the T/T into the wall.

But I sure would like to get rid of the Shunyatas.



A very valid concern. I think the equation changes over one’s lifetime as you realize you only live once and for a finite time. What is the real probability of having your equipment fried? I lived in Tucson Arizona for 25 years… I was in charge of a data center that went down because of thunderstorms every summer… yet have never lost a single piece of audio equipment. 


Equitech "balanced" power is used by countless professionals who must have clean power. Travelling bands love balanced power by Equitech. Recording studios. University research labs, etc. Check out Equitech website, perhaps they have a customer list. Anyway, their product is based on "basic" electrial principals. Those don't change :) Good luck with your research. Pete

Well, you can pay for a $189.00 or so for a Tripplight isolation transformer.It has 1800w capability and regulates down to 85v to 145v to 120v.  It also has RFI suppression. Filters spikes and noise.  I use a Furman power strip in front of that which also has RFI filtering and a 145V clamp circuit which shuts down power at that Threshold to protect the isolation transformer. Probably under $300 total.  My primaluna is silent with this turned up loud. No hum no hiss. Or you can pay thousands if that makes you feel better. I dare to  compare.  $$$$$$$ does not always add up to better sound.