Streaming vs Physical Media

I have a decent digital front end with a Lumin U1 Mini (w/ external power supply) and a Border Patrol SE dac.  Have some CDs, but no transport.  Would a CD transport sound better than a streamer of similar quality/price?  


My limited experience with streaming and CD’s has taught me one thing, if you run your CD transport and your streamer through the same DAC, they are going to sound a lot alike. That includes CD’s that have been ripped to a hard drive.

All the best.



Sorry for late reply. When I tried TP Link Fiber Media Converters in my previous setup between my router and Aurender N20, adding fiber yielded to a dry and thin presentation. I used standard fiber optic cable between the converter boxes and a pair of Supra CAT 8 LAN before and after Fiber converter boxes. In comparison, ENO streaming system with their high-purity UP-OCC LAN Ag cables on both ends yielded to a much natural and engaging presentation. With ENO, the music flows effortlessly and there is this sense of righteousness across the spectrum.

IMO, until we get devices that are optimized for Optical Network on both ends i.e. routers and more streaming devices like Lumin, we won’t probably realize the true potential of fiber optic in our homes. I also believe most of these mass produced cheap converter and Ethernet switch boxes are not designed or optimized for audio :-) 

Many avenues to great network performance, ethernet or optical, just one more variable. And then you have the variable as to how each is implemented. I've chosen optical as my preferred path, but optimization here includes running every FMC off lps, quality power cord into balanced transformer PC. The generic FMC can be bettered with Sonore optical, I'm also beginning to see optical enhanced devices from other companies.


Also, optimizing network both prior and after server is critical, anywhere noise has opportunity to enter and contaminate has to be isolated, and no switching power supplies.

Love streaming. The convenience and choices and sound quality are amazing. However, all of it can be taken away from you at a moment's notice by lawyers or labels.  I do have a few CDs that aren't on any streaming platform and likely never will be.  Other times it may just be that the one platform you are on doesn't have the rights to that music., i.e. some have deeper catalogs.  

So, I still buy CDs or vinyl of music I care about. I don't have a "transport", I just use a good enough CD player and can always connect it to a better DAC one day or the same DAC I'm using for streaming. 

I have about 3000 lps, around 10 cds, and I like physical media too.  However, streaming has become indispensable to me to check out new music, and music I'm considering looking for on vinyl.  I don't use it all the time, but it does come in very handy.