Kenwood DP 990SG CD Player won at Yahoo Auction Japan

I am in Washington, D.C. area and expecting delivery of Kenwood DP 990SG CD Player I won at the popular Yahoo Auction site in Japan. Auction price was $32.00 but shipping was a whopping $132.00. The Kenwood is rated 100 Volt. An electrical engineer says there is not need for a transformer converter step down unit from 120-110 Volt to 100 Volt because a lot of CD players made in Japan are sold in the U.S.A. Do others here use or do not use transformer converter for their made for Japanese market CD players?


A big thank you’s to members who responded quickly to my help request. I ordered a brand new ACUPWR 300 True Watts transformer, made in U.S.A. Couldn’t find one used anywhere at the moment,

I love this forum.

Yes, I did see the $39 one earlier. Looks like a good deal. But, I went for the ACUPWR at three times the price of that one. "Buy the best and only cry once."