Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k

I am looking for advice for speakers.  This is a second system in my living room with a MA252 integrated, VPI turntable and Blue Sound.  Looking for a floor standing speaker.  I have listen to Sonus Faber and I like them.  Advice?


I’ve compared several B&W speakers to Joseph Audio, and in every case the JA speaker was superior on every level.  You can pick up a nice pair of JA Profiles for only $2800, which is a great price.  Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they significantly outperform your 804 D3s that I’m very familiar with having worked for Magnolia.  If for some reason the Profiles don’t work for you, you may well be able to resell them for no loss or even a small profit.  Go for it!  You will not be disappointed.

Nothing wrong with Sonus Faber.  If you are looking to compare check out KEF. 

If you liked the Sonus Faber, buy them that's my advice. Otherwise go listen to a bunch of others in that price range and if you like something you hear better buy that instead.