Best American music of the last 25 years?

What songs and artists best represent American music over the past 25 years?

I am making a mega playlist for my friend immigrating to the States next month. She loves English music but it's heavily censored where she is from. What are the best songs to help her catch up to date on popular genres and show her the best songs of the last 25 years?

Bonus points for songs that cover the plight of generations or relevant sociopolitical situations at the time.


Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit

Chris Jones - Moonstruck

Jonny Lang - Wander This World

Michaela Anne - Desert Dove

+1 Lyle Lovett

+1 for most of the above

Tom Petty (RIP) solo and with the Heartbreakers - stayed relevant with excellent tours over 20 of the past 25 years

Allison Krauss and Union Station

Americans invented jazz, but clearly almost nobody here listens to it. I do, and for me (even having been a non jazz musician for a very long time) pretty much everything listed here seems kinda lame and simple compared to the brilliant jazz around these days. Suggestion: Listen to some of Wilco's Nels Cline's non Wilco stuff, especially what he's done with Julian Lage.