Von Schweikert VR-6 or Wilson Audio Watt/Puppies 5

Dear friends,
I am on the second hand market for speakers with a budget of about $ 4-5 k. The shortest list I made puts a real dilemma: Von Schweikert VR 6 or Wilson Watt/Puppies 5,1. They will be driven by low power Push/Pull tube amplifier (Audio Note). Will be used mostly for rock and roll, pop, classic and jazz.
Thanx a lot. I think all of you guys are going the same direction. No more doubts. Remarquable and rare unanimity here in A-gon. Didn't think it is possible when audiophiles speak about components.
You made it easy.Your amp will sing with the right speaker,the Wilson is`nt a good impedance load match at all.
I've owned the VR6 a long time ago and sold them to a friend who still uses them. He also drives them with a low powered push pull tube amp (cayin).
Those speakers were quite good at its time but I thing for 4-5 K you can get a better sounding speaker either brand new or a mint one.
Duomike, I would be interested in hearing what you would recommend at that price point.