Looking for wider soundstage

My system consists of:

parasound a21+ amp for LF

rogue st 100 dark for HF

Aurender  n10

schiit Yggy dac

don sachs 2 preamp

legacy signature se speakers 

Looking for wider soundstage  room is not treated but it’s not bad and I have moved speakers around  Thanks for any advice  I have believed my amps could be better but not sure  thanks in advance 



I would definitely recommend Bass Traps in corners behind speakers and at first reflection points. Also toe in speakers. Made a big improvement for me.


you have a great system should sound great.

Greetings from Germany.

In my setup voices were nailed to the center between speakers.

speakers already slightly turned in 

towards sweet spot at that time.

then I vertically turned them in as well. Tweeter towards me.

This was a hell of a change into much wider voice image.

try it and report back what happens.


My two cents—I had your amp, and things definitely improved when I upgraded to the Halo

You have a very plush carpet OP. Looking at your setup I do wonder if you might benefit from better isolation.


Are you using any footers under your equipment?


If not I heartily reccomend black ravioli big and small pads. 


is that a little subwoofer you have right next to the rack ? 

What exactly do you mean by “soundstage”?  Do you expect the image to spread out past the outer edges of the speakers?  That can happen, but in my experience, that is a product of the recording. I’m thinking you just want your hifi to sound better than it does to your ear. Legacy makes good speakers, but sometimes even excellent speakers just don’t work in someone’s room and, without redoing everything, there’s nothing that can be done except change the speakers until you find something better. You didn’t mention your speaker cables, but sometimes a speaker cable can make a transformative difference and sometimes nothing. See if you can borrow something from a dealer or a friend and try it out. I know Kubala and Synergystic have a 30 day money back and I’m sure others do as well. It may be worth a try. If you happen to live in NY, I may have something for you to try.