Von Schweikert VR-6 or Wilson Audio Watt/Puppies 5

Dear friends,
I am on the second hand market for speakers with a budget of about $ 4-5 k. The shortest list I made puts a real dilemma: Von Schweikert VR 6 or Wilson Watt/Puppies 5,1. They will be driven by low power Push/Pull tube amplifier (Audio Note). Will be used mostly for rock and roll, pop, classic and jazz.
sorry, can't give any recommendations. I would start a new thread asking for speaker suggestions for your particular amp, budget etc.
once a year I get to hear my friends VR6. They still look gorgeous but I feel they sound so dynamically compressed but maybe I'm spoiled in terms of dynamics cause I'm using highly modded avantgarde omega duos. good luck in your search!
Your agenda is pretty clear and off point. There are literally hundreds of VSA customers that have had very positive experiences with Albert, including myself.

You sound like a dealer, but don't see any such disclosure. Now who is misleading? Before you slander a manufacturer on a public forum, you might consider the consequences of your self-serving statements.

I'm surprised the Audiogon censors even allowed your slanderous diatribe to get posted. Wow.
I was very interested of what Larry said so I investigated a bit in the forum. Larry is in the business indeed but I saw from his threads that in his CV he has experience of working for VSA. Perhaps the problem lies here.
Nik- I'm afraid the problem lies with Larry. If you investigate him a little further, you will find a long track record of less than honorable dealings with a number of people, including Thiel and VSA. I believe he worked for VSA for 3 months in late 2003, apparently long enough to alledgedly appropriate some speaker blueprints from them, which were never returned.

I don't know the man and I have nothing personally against him. But I too did a little bit of research.

What I found was not good at all, at least insofar as his dealings with VSA are concerned. After he was asked to leave VSA, Larry apparently started selling speakers derived from those blueprints above, under his own LSA label. That also didn't end well for Larry. This is from my brief research - I do not have first-hand knowledge of this and a number of other things I discovered, since I wasn't there.

Importantly, I would not have felt compelled to reveal any of this about Larry Staples had he not so viciously attacked my friend, AVS, in his post above. I too was curious and I'm speaking up again because of what I discovered, and to vouch for the integrity and honesty of AVS.
I have dealt with Albert over and over and he is a top notch guy who builds as good or better speaker than anyone out there. I have sent him money plenty of times and he always comes through and in a big way. Mr. Lrsky must have an agenda. Come clean and spill your guts sir instead of playing games.