Need some suggestions for a desktop amp.

I'm in need of some ideas/suggestions for a desktop amp. built in DAC would be a plus but not necessary. I used to have a Naim Untitqute driving my Harbeth P3ESR's which are very nearfield. My issue with the Naim is the large form factor which takes up a lot of space on my desk. Although the sound and functionality was great with the built in DAC and all.

The issue is, most amps with a smaller form factor made for desks are Headphone amps and not speaker amps. 

I tried a little Chinese amp but the ChiFi amp I ordered wouldn't work hooked up via USB to my iMac like it was adverstied to. So back it went.

I considered buying some Active Speakers but have never had any experience with them so not sure what direction to go. I love my little Harbeths so would like to keep them but I'm open to making a change if need be.

I'm close to pulling the trigger on a Nuprime IDA-8. However, I wanted to get others opinions first.

Thank you for your thoughts.



Thank you. I have looked at the sprout. I have a negative bias towards the Sprout and I have no reason for it. For some reason I just can’t get my head around buying the little guy.


As I began reading your original post, the first amp that came to my mind was the IDA-8. It’s great for desktop or small rooms. However, it does have its limitations. It isn’t designed to power big floorstanding speakers or low sensitivity speakers like your Harbeths in a big room because they’ll tend to be a bit thin sounding. As Mike_in_nc mentioned, it digitizes everything, so you won’t be able to use your external DAC.

Have you looked at the Omnia A300? 150w/ch with built-in streaming capability and even a headphone amp all in one package. It’s not as warm sounding as the IDA-8 yet is also not analytical sounding. I quite happily use it to power my 86dB two-ways.

I’ve bought a fair amount of Nuprime gear from John Casler (check the Nuprime Circle on the AC forum) over the years. I’ll wager you can do better than the MSRP.





I picked up a used Vitus SIA 025, a bit big, but still fits my desk. Incredible find. 

I thank everyone for the suggestions. I went a little different direction.
I just purchased some used Quad 9L active speakers to plug into my computer so no amp needed. It will clear up the needed space and save some money in the long run.

Although, I’m going to keep the Harbeths until I get the Quads and give them a go. I may circle back to the amp idea if I don’t care for the Quad actives.

Amp idea if Quads don’t sing to me:

IOS class D or Buckeye amp + SMSL SU-9 dac