streaming definitely has a learning curve, hardware and software sides both... but it is worth the payoff... lovely sound, super enjoyable... each sitting can be comfort food or a vast journey of discovery...
New to streaming question
Hi - I'm an analog front end guy but recently decided to start streaming in our family room. I have a Naim Uniti Atom HE and have been using Quboz to stream but have a simple question. The Hi-Res files on Quboz albums are available in 24bit-192 however the maximum I can play is at 24bit-92. I have a CAT8 wired from my router directly to the Naim and am using my phone with Quboz to stream to the Naim via Chromecast. What do I need to do connection-wise to listen to the files in 192? Apologies for the basic question, I'm new to the streaming world. Thanks very much