Anybody remember G.A.S.

A company from the seventies?
I could write a book on how good the h/k 16A is. Today, it would compete against almost anything. But this little Grandson amp has got to be the 'over achiever' of the century. I can't stop listening, it's that good. I am going to look into the new Ampzilla gear. If it sounds anything like this Grandson amp, then James has hit one out of the park. Love that word 'tubesistor'. I think GASLOVER mentioned it to me a while back. That is this amp in a nutshell... tubesistor!
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James is also quite the pianist and offers hi cd's there.

I have two of the original Sons, a Grandson and a Thoebe preamp. Along with the James Bongiorno - designed Sumo Andromeda amp and Athena preamp. All great gear! On the turntable is a Coral B777 mc cartridge - same as the Sleeping Beauty. The Andromeda is driving a late-production pair of DCM Time Windows (52779, 52780). Sound quality equal to today’s five-figure gear!

DCM Time Windows... those were good sounding speakers, but being just a cardboard oval with wooden caps I think it was the perfect name that sold them. 

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