Was my friend given misinformation.

My friend is just getting into audio for a music system. In his price rang I thought the Rogue Sphinx V3 would be a nice choice. He could also look at the Revel Concerta 2 line of speakers. Well he decided to stop by Magnolia at Best Buy.  Not a bad setup he got a Denon 3700 AVR and a pair of B&W 603's. He said the salesman told him to stay away from integrated amps as they are not anything but stripped down AVR's without the features. So I guess all us owners of 2 channel preamps and integrated have been duped. Who knew??


BB is for the purchase of cheap 75" throw-away TVs..............



I have a marantz avr in a second system, and it doesn't sound near as good as my main system. I tried the preouts to my amp once and couldn't shut it off fast enough, very bright sounding with little bass. An integrated amp usually has way better preamp outputs and a better amp section as well.

The B&W 603S2AE is a plain looking box but is a very good speaker for the dough,  even head to head with Revel or Focal equivalents. Denon makes some of the best value AVRs, too, but for the same cost a more targeted integrated might have been a “better buy”.  Really depends on whether the friend is looking for TV integration or mostly music listening. Sphinx has no DAC and many TVs have no analog outputs. 

Salespeople want to sell what THEY like.  The guy might not have heard anything better.  Comparing an AVR to a good stereo integrated would be like comparing Jim Beam to Knob Creek or Elijah Craig.


I have a marantz avr in a second system, and it doesn’t sound near as good as my main system. I tried the preouts to my amp once and couldn’t shut it off fast enough, very bright sounding with little bass. An integrated amp usually has way better preamp outputs and a better amp section as well.

The way to do this is go from the AVR pre-outs to a 2 channel preamp/amp or integrated that has HT pass-through. In that way you get two separated systems. It is what I do as I have a dual purpose room, and it works great. When listening to 2 channel, the AVR is no longer part of the chain. When in HT mode, the main/front speakers are also being driven by my 2 channel (in my case, mono amps) amp.

Do not use your AVR as the preamp. It works, but not well. Been there, done that.