Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



@lowrider57 Thanks for the suggestion. You are spot on about the Sylvania GTBs. They do take off the edges off my speakers and my system's sharpness is not too forward in a good way. The imaging from the GTBs are pretty good too for its price point as you have shared;  its detailed yet provides easy listening.  Vocals involve the listener.  However, soundstage width and bass are not its strong points, though decent.  Now I need to experiment with the highly regarded Linlais:)

Email from Linlai yesterday: No outbound shipping for consumer orders due to Covid restrictions in China. Order is forwarded for fulfillment from overseas distributor – expected shipping time in Mid June. If you don’t accept this deferred shipping, you may contact us to cancel your order. Thanks.



My second pair of Linlai’s showed up today. They were ordered on 5/25. I have them playing now.  This is an eye opener. ( or rather, ear opener).  These sound so different than my well burned in pair. These are rather lifeless. Also,a much narrower soundstage.  I know I heard these things the first time around, however,having just listened to the burned in pair, the difference is startling.  At least I know what’s waiting for me!  One thing,these are as dead silent as my first pair. 

@danmar123, they are the same as the first pair,and yes, I ordered them from amptata_audio.  Each tube has a serial number plate inside as well.  The gift/display box was packed inside an outer box lined with foam. I know no one asked about packing,but I was once again impressed with the extra effort put in to trying to insure safe delivery.  This delivery was 3 days quicker than the first.