Perimeter Ring Clamps: Yay?, Nay?, Sources??

I'm getting the itch for a ring clamp, i.e. Wayne's Audio. He has one that works on my JVC-Victor TT81's big tapered surround. this or the other simple one, no extra weights

Seems like a smart thing to do, mt TT81 Spinner ought to have no problem with extra weight.



Problems Encountered?


as always, thanks,



@lewm those Benz models use a Ruby plate to wrap the coils around. Most cartridges use a ferrous material which increases the output level for any given amount of coil windings, but also (supposedly) causes the assembly to disrupt the magnetic flux when in motion. The downside of the Benz Ruby approach is that it requires much more coil windings to create the same output level (compare to their highest iron cross model Ebony L with 0.26 mV output from 5 ohm coils, or Zebrawood L at 0.4 mV from 12 ohms). But it can also use a much stronger magnet because the armature is not reactive to it. Look at the Gullwing (Ruby) magnet in pics, it’s twice the size of the Glider (iron cross) with the same open body design.

There is an interesting video with Mr Fremer and the Windfeld Ti designer where he briefly mentions the choice of armature material that balances between the two - only slightly ferrous. The Anna uses a completely non-ferrous armature, but not Ruby (polymer?).

Some time ago I too learned you have to be mindful of MC cartridges on some metal platter :)

What I need, is for someone who has a Perimeter Ring Clamp to come visit, mess/listen, decide!

Plainfield, nj



Elliott, I was looking at my TT101 with your quest in mind. As you know, the two platters present the same problem for fitting a perimeter ring. There is very little margin for error. In fact I can think of no “off the shelf” ring that would fit. Certainly my Kenwood ring is not even close. So, if you do invite someone to bring his ring to fit your TT81, I’d advise you to be sure in advance that his ring has a hope of fitting.

you are right, and I am having a hard time believing Wayne that one of his will work on my TT81.


I am going slowly thru halcro's old thread about JVC TT101. from 2011.

JP Jones, ought to be John Paul Jones, i.e. DEEP SIX the Beasts!

Six Leagues Under the Sea is where they belong.

What a masochistic club, you only need merge with Jaguar V12 owners to be completely happy.

There must be a survivor mentality, however short lived.