Seems like a lot of folks are putting their Primaluna amps for sale...

No agenda here, just surprised how many new/newish/older Primaluna amps and integrateds are for sale as of late. Nothing but great reviews and a lot of fans out there. Any negatives or not-so-happy customers?

I've got my cheapo Prologue One cranked up at the moment, listening to Wagner's Lohengrin from an old Angel/EMI LP.  Lovely vocal & string tone. 3D. Enjoyable if not shatteringly effective dynamics. I could care less about upgrading.

I had a Prologue Premium Preamp that I upgraded to a Dialogue Premium Preamp. I thought I could listen further into the music with the Prologue. 

For me, I got tired of the PL house sound and sold it. Kept my CJ 17LS2 and am currently using a Don Sachs DS2.

Different strokes.

Thanks for listening..



i love it when a silly ol fish takes bait set some 2 years earlier... 😁

I owned a new Dialogue Premium HP integrated a few years ago and shortly after I got it up and running, a horrible DC noise came through the speakers.  I took it in for repair and the technician told me it was just more Chinese “crap” as one of the internal wires came loose and was touching something it shouldn’t have.  I thought it sounded good, but it scared me enough to put it up for sale. I’m sure the quality is fine with the line, but of course I had to get the one that had an issue…..