Volume Control Too Sensitive

My latest issue:

As some of you may be aware I have a Bryston BP-26 preamp connected to a pair of Classe CAM-200 monoblock amps.

My issue is that I have very little range on my volume knob. If looked at as a clockface, I can only go from 6 to 7 using XLR cables, and 6 to 8 using RCA cables.

Not only is this lack of range annoying using the remote control, but I question if the sound is compromised by the fact that I’m just using such a small portion of the volume knob.

Any thoughts on this?


You have an impedance mismatch between the amp and preamp.  Just add in a pair of Rothwell attenuators … 20 ohm might be best in your case.  Low cost and no sonic downside.  If you hate them (you won’t) you are out $30

@elliottbnewcombjr , please read carefully, i wrote max. that comes from product specification not made it up. Rated output is 1v single ended and 2v in balanced mode. Comparing apples to apples.

I suspect that he is using a clock dial to describe his volume control position with 6 being the bottom of his dial. This would be max attenuation. I assume that 12 o'clock would be the optimum position (many manufacturers recommend something between 10 and 2 o'clock). I used Rothwell 10db in my stuff which had max attenuation between 9 and 10 to increase the range of usable control to 11 to 2 o'clock. So there, you have it, a WAG! I would not normally recommend a 20db reduction, but the OP's description of his VC position suggested to me he needed a lot to get up to 12.

If he wants to drill this down he should contact Bryston and see if he can identify what position on their VC dial would represent the optimum position for best sound quality, and if he can contact them (or some one who is knowledgeable about their product) how much reduction should be used. 

Science at it's best! :-)


his are monoblocks. even easier, smaller single channel device. I would definitely look for room inside, drill a hole, add a high quality volume control to each amp.

I've added on/off switches to a few things, but if thinking about resale .... 

I somehow doubt OP will mess with his amps, so an external box with a high quality single channel volume control would do it. ALPS seem to be liked by many makers.