New Coincident Frankenstein 300B Stereo Version

Coincident has a new stereo version of the Frankenstein. I currently use Coincident Super Victory IIIs speakers driven by Pass Labs XA30.8. My preamp is EAR Yoshino 868PL.

Logic tells me the Frankenstein Stereo would be a steller match with my speakers. I have never had SET amps in my setup before.

Just wondering if I will be going the SET route, would I lose bass?

Love the Pass XA30.8 but curious about what people call "SET magic".

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



A friend is a longtime Atma-Sphere owner and I am  familiar with his MA-1 mono blocks. So I feel that I can extrapolate the sound of your M-60 mono blocks. We paired his MP-1 preamplifier with my Frankensteins and result was pure and gorgeous.

I can easily imagine your CSL and M-60 pairing being every bit as accomplished. Ralph has described his OTLs as 3rd order harmonics signature and SET as 2nd order harmonic signature. He is spot on with this distinction. He pointed out that naturally a listener may prefer one over the other’s presentation. Bottom line is either is quite capable of exquisite sound quality with proper set up.

Bill your former Coincident Triumphs were very easy to drive just like my Total Eclipse. In fact I believe that the old Eclipse series of Coincident speakers were probably the most compatible with SET amplifiers. 14 ohm load impedance will do that.😊




Thank you for your kind words, indeed, big part of my audio journey was working on myself, on how I listen to music and what I hear.

Of course, we don't need to learn to enjoy music, anyone with a pair of ears can bask in sound and voice. Yet, there is a massive difference between what an unsuspecting victim used exclusively to instant gratification absorbs from the music and how Mozart perceived it. I know, Mozart is a tall yardstick, as tall as it ever gets, but he does set the bar and stands as a warning sign that there's much more to music and music appreciation than just desensitized and sanitized instant gratification and empty shows.

For me getting to learn the nuances of what I hear, getting familiar with the fabric of music made it possible to fine-tune my system to allow further and deeper exploration.

It has been a wonderful journey so far. I'm glad I'm not alone on the road.


For me getting to learn the nuances of what I hear, getting familiar with the fabric of music made it possible to fine-tune my system to allow further and deeper exploration.

 I completely understand this perspective and relate to it 100%.

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I’ve just come across the Frankenstein stereo amp. I’m currently using a Willsenton R300 300B tube amp. Would anyone be able to compare the Frankenstein to the Willsenton? Thanks for your time