Who performs Quality Amp repair service ?

Live in Pittsburgh PA and need to find someone who can repair a vintage Bedini amp. 1 channel stopped working. Willing to ship. Any recommendations? Anyone know if High end audio repair out of Brooklyn New York is reliable and any good? Thanks

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IF you cannot find someone closer,

according to google maps you are 5-1/2 hours away from VAS Audio in Cliffwood, NJ

drop it off, stay overnight at a Casino in Atlantic City, win enough to finance the repair!

Steve Leung and his son Ray are terrific people, very capable, repeated success for me and several people I know.

Audio Classics, Vestal, NY near McIntosh are terrific also, however they limit the brands they work on, check with Steve at VAS, he works on nearly everything.



ahmad of amplifer surgery out of chicago.  he will not only fix it but upgrade it as will.  he did a couple of pieces for me. very reasonable , tell him damon of atlanta recommended you......

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