@jasbirnandra , the James Romeyu Bohemian (Audiokinesis) speaker is a wonderful Horn speaker for those with tube amps. For top performance they still require subwoofer but there are painfully few that do not. However, since those big 15" drivers cover the meaty part of the midrange (crossover 700 Hz) the improvement in clarity should be profound. If used without subwoofers I would roll them off at 40 Hz.
@audition__audio , I think the big difference is between point source and line source speakers. Bad horns are painfully obvious but really good ones sound very much like regular dynamic speakers but cleaner, more efficient with less room interaction because their dispersion is restricted. Tall Panels are in a totally different world, some like them others do not. I am a big fan of tall panels as most people here know. I prefer the larger sound stage and the dipole, line source radiation pattern almost entirely eliminates the need for room treatments. The room essentially disappears. But, if I did not have the situation required for big panels the Bohemian is certainly a speaker I could buy.