The review wehave been promising is up


From Dave’s post:

Another point we offer a two week unconditional return trial

There are many dealers/manufacturers who get the approval of the anti-Dave crew here who do not offer this option. Dave is putting his money where his mouth is. To me that’s more important than a soft sell approach

Typical post: I'm trying to decide between brands A, B, and C.

Typical Troy response: Brand X blows away A, B, and C.  BTW, we sell brand X.

If this isn't cluttering up the forum, I don't know what is.


I never said he doesn't belong here. But his idea of forum etiquette for dealers is a bit dicey....

I you’re an "audio intellect" (a nonsensical term) you might try to develop punctuation skills

I read here a year or two ago that David Lalin had a stroke. Perhaps that explains the grammar mistakes, and often weird writing style. I have met Lalin in person about three or four years ago. Nice guy. Personally, I don’t find his posts here harmful. They may be of value, even for just adding a component in your "watch list". Harmless


I don’t know who Troy is


In my opinion the difference is that dealers/manufacturers like Duke, Verdant, and Atmasphere seem to be objective and don't always push their products on members. They offer genuine assistance, even if it means steering you down a different road.

What’s even more important is what those dealers/manufacturers mentioned above DON’T do.  They NEVER put down another member’s recommendations or another competitive product.  Dave and Troy have a long history of doing this (they’ve done it to me several times) to push their own products that to me completely crosses the line versus just mentioning their products or providing otherwise unbiased/useful info.  IMHO if a dealer or manufacturer gets on here and starts bad-mouthing other products or member recommendations to push their own products they should be banned from this site.  The whole idea of this site is to help each other by sharing valuable and often hard-won knowledge and personal experience, so when a dealer gets on here and undermines this in a biased effort to boost their own sales it damages not only the member experience but also the reputation of this site so I hope Audiogon gets more serious about stopping this egregious behavior.