Killer vintage 70's, 80's reel to reel to add to my setup.

Hey everyone. Looking to add a Killer vintage R2R from the 70’s, 80’s to my current analogue setup that includes the Luxman PD444 and Victor TT-101 tables. I like the looks of the 70’s, 80’s but want to hear what you suggest. I’ll tell you right now, I know nothing about R2R and look forward to everyone bringing me up to speed with the basics and deck suggestions. Budget is around $4500. Thanks! Brent


Going to be hard to find a new deck for $7.500. J-Corder refurbished decks could be had in your price range and United Home Audio decks have gone up quite a bit in price over the years. Metaxas is well above your budget. Otherwise, I'm not sure who else out there is doing top quality refurbished or new decks.

You also need to think about the playback electronics. I was never really satisfied with my Otari internal electronics so I had mine modified to take the signal direct from the tape head and run through external tube tape head preamps. This made a significant difference.

I buy my tapes from a number of sources. Prices range from $150 to $400. The higher cost tapes usually net me two reels of music at 15 ips. It's fun to compare the same title in LP and tape format. Tape almost always wins out.

Any model Studer that has been properly reconditioned will probably cost more than your budget.  But, the same company made Revox machines that were intended to be non-studio machines that are nice and much cheaper.  Look for an A 700 or A77 or B77 machine.

Wow, prices for new modern decks are crazy expensive and not that great looking until you get to Mataxas & Sins Tourbillon. Now that’s a cool looking deck! And I thought my budget of $7500 would get me top of the line in the new deck area. Not even close! Vintage it is!