Pacific Audio Fest

Just saw that the Pacific Audio Fest is being rescheduled to late July 2022 due to the pandemic

This will be at the Pacific Audio Fest.

Enleum 23R Integrated Amplifier and Headphone Amp

25WPC, Current-Driven


Jaguar Audio – Room 7115

I’ll be up from California and will be attending with a friend.

I haven’t been to an audio show up there since VSAC circa 2003 and am looking forward to it. 

I think I met Lou at THE Show in Las Vegas around 2014 or so and got to listen to his speakers for the first time then. 

I am planning to attend with a friend who lives in Seattle.


I saw you system and read you posts here. Hopefully we see each other. I would like to meet you and have a chat.

Jim Perry