Anyone get or buy themselves a Father's Day present yet?

I bought myself a DH Labs Mirage USB cable to replace a Pangea. I must say that the improvement is not subtle. Pleasantly surprised.

Happy Father's Day gentlemen!


Interesting you should ask... This afternoon I bought a Nuprime LPS-212 (linear power supply) for my streamer.

Told my wife she didn't need to get me anything this year / She told me I wasn't her father

As much as I love music, I just had the best gift any Dad could want.

My daughter came home to visit this weekend.  After dinner, we went out and spent the evening fishing.  A perfect summer eve in West Michigan.  Clear blue sky, gentle swirling breeze.  Early on, not a nibble.  But conversation made up for that....catching up on what's new in her life.  Feeling proud of the things that she has done for others, her interests.  Then we paddled our way to the other end of the lake.  And how we found the bass!  Large mouth, small mouth, lost count!  


I received a photo album of cats no longer with us (photos going back 30+ years taken by my wife).




I'm sorry I laughed cause that's actually kinda sad.  Our cats live for so darn long that for me it wouldn't be a very big book.  One lived 19 years.  One disappeared after about eight years.  The three we have now range from about 12 to 8 years. 

Happy Fday