Basic switch....should I upgrade?

I'm using a D-Link switch into a EtherRegen (with an AfterDark PSU & Clock) via a Signature Ethernet Cable. Coming out of the EtherRegen I use a basic fiber optic cable into my streamer. (All connects/cables not mentioned are upgraded.)

Simply put, should I upgrade the switch or does the fantastic EtherRegen clean up the switch's audio shortcomings?

Please don't tell me to get a TT!  


@fredrik222 Did you glance at specs for the Angel Boom? That’s not in my wheelhouse.

@sns (Nice System!!!) The EtherREGEN has a fiber optic out and I want to use that as I’m certain using the EtherREGEN is a definite improvement. But like my hard to suss question will a switch in front of that also matter? Most likely yes.

Post removed 

Please provide a running count of all the different boxes (components and power supplies) and bits of different types of wire that reside between the cable outlet on the wall and the preamp.

@wsrrsw the angel n8 doesn’t have any actual switch performance metrics, so pretty hard to tell. Switch performance metrics include things like forwarding plane through put, switching method, over subscription rate, buffer size, etc. 

See my take and updates on different configs I had just tested (including Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System, D Link switch and basic FMC) in my post here