I’ve concluded the listening tests with various config/combos below:
- EERO -> Supra Cat 8 -> Lumin U1 Mini
- EERO -> monoprice Cat8 -> D Link Network Switch -> Supra Cat 8 -> Lumin
- EERO -> Supra Cat8 -> D Link Network Switch -> Network Acoustics (NA) Eno -> Lumin
- EERO -> NA Eno -> Lumin
- EERO -> monoprice Cat8 -> FMC -> Fibre patch -> FMC -> Supra Cat 8 -> Lumin
- EERO -> monoprice Cat8 -> Switch -> Supra Cat8 -> FMC -> Fibre patch -> FMC -> NA Eno -> Lumin
The results I’m going to share here were what I heard in my system, my room, components, etc. I do not and will not dispute if your listening, perception of what’s right etc. may be different or whether or not you can hear these changes in your system.
So here it is…
- Set up 1: Not bad overall as a starting point and by no means terrible. Even after I heard what was possible this is by far not the worst one can do.
- Set up 2: Definite improvement over the base set up. Better, more solid imaging, lowered noise floor, wider and deeper soundstage.
- Set up 3: I thought was the worst sounding combination with switch + NA Eno. The cumulative effect of switch and Eno was unnatural presentation, reduced dynamics, dry sound, slightly artificial sounding instruments, monotone and lacking emotions. I gave it a whirl for couple of hours, enough to confirm what I was hearing with multiple test tracks.
- Set up 4: Best combination turned out to be a simple one. Reduced noise floor, very solid imaging and soundstage, dynamics improved, deeper more impactful and textured bass. Fleshed out vocals that sound more natural with more natural sibilance. Think of all the improvements I mentioned with set up 2 but taken one notch higher.
- Set up 5 and 6: The FMC in the chain reduced noise, improved imaging and soundstage but with the FMC I could hear thinner mid and lower bass (although clean and tuneful the bass was just slightly lacking), less slam. However, as I said, because of the improvements achieved here I think this a better configuration than the EERO direct into Lumin. The NA Eno between FMC and Lumin did not help with the thinned out midbass and bass.
I’d like to add that the differences I heard were subtle but important when we’re talking about set up that improved the overall sonics. Again just sharing my thoughts and hope this is a useful read for someone researching and exploring the potential of streaming.