The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.

Luxman is releasing this fall a 95th anniversary integrated. It's style is from the late 1980's. No meters all buttons. Power wise it seems like the same as the 590AXII. World wide 300 of these integrated's will be built. 100 allocated to the US market. Price about $11,495. You can view it on the new Luxman website.

@webking185 I agree. I have had the L595ase for a couple of weeks and this thing sounds fantastic!!

@joeinid I am in the market to check out the Luxman L595 A SE. I have the 550AXII, D03X and The M10X. And I am waiting on the C900U to be delivered. Right now I am driving the M10X with the preout of the 550AXII and it's heavenly. So I am an all in Luxman Fan.. My question is I have a Mcintosh MA352 that I am planning to swap out. Should I go for the 595ASE or the 380X? Any suggestion will be welcome.. My dealer has both. I am driving Magico speakers.. Please let me know..


Congratulations on having great taste. If you can get the 595 A SE, go for it. The LX-380 is awesome, I’m sure, but I don’t think nearly as powerful enough for Magico speakers. While the 590/595 integrateds are only rated at 30wpc, their power output is closer to 3X rated output. 

With the C900u/M10x combo, having the 595 might be a little redundant but will be stellar in its own right. With efficient speakers, the tube based LX-380 will be absolutely beautiful and musical but you’ll need easy to drive speakers.

Thank you @joeinid. You are so right about the 595 being redundant with the C900U/M10X combo.. I am tired of the MA352 and my choices with the dealer is I can swap it out within a year of purchase of anything that is twice as much, and that’s part of the reason I was considering the 595 for swapping it with the MA352 that I paid $6500.. Honestly, I don’t care for the Mcintosh sound, hopefully I don't draw any wrath on that. I swapped the MC462 with the M10X, the C53 with the C900U  with a demo unit while I wait for the one that I ordered, and I can’t be any happier. The M10X is such a beauty and it drives the Magico’s effortlessly.. I don’t use any subs in my 2 channel stereo and I don’t miss it one bit. The reason I went with the 550AXII and the C900U/M10X is to enjoy both the integrated and separate versions of Luxman products.. I adore the brand and I am so glad to have a dealer here in the northwest.. Have you gotten use to the looks of the 595? that holds me back a little, although I will be looking at them in person next weekend at the dealer.. The black underside, is that plastic? thanks for the reply again..

I absolutely love the looks of the 595. Whether it’s Luxman or McIntosh, I usually turn off the meters for the majority of my listening. McIntosh gear is great but Luxman is typically my preferred sound especially since McIntosh changed the sound of the newer gear. Luxman is a perfect match with Magico.

Remember, it’s all about balance. The speaker and amp synergy is critical. Whoever thinks all amps sound the same is wrong.

Luxman, especially the new/current gear is absolutely superb. You are lucky to have such a varied selection of gear. Enjoy the music in great health. Move the MA352 and don’t look back.


Hmmm, I think the bottom black piece is metal. It’s solid and the whole unit is especially well made.