Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed

HI group,
I recently bought a Bel Canto Pre3VB preamp with its VBS power supply, which I'm running to my Bel Canto REF500S amp. 
Since the Pre3VB and REF500s are fully balanced, I'm in the market for an XLR cable.
My source interconnects are Cardas Clear; I could wait and save up some more for a Clear XLR, or I could go with a Clear Reflection right now.
If I did that, would I be compromising my system? 
Interested in your thoughts.
My system: BC REF500s, BC Pre3VB & VBS1 battery supply, Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers, Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable......

Thanks for your help...

@decooney I’ll be interested in your impressions of the Clear Reflection ICs this time around.

I started to reply with an update, and re-read your statements above. You already described it to a tee. I’m pleasantly perplexed how clarity and detail can still come through while midrange weight, tone, texture is all there at the same time. These are keepers. I’m using them only for my sources. On the back-end for preamp to amplifiers I’m still using my Analysis Plus Crystal interconnects. Its a really nice balance intermixing the two to complete the loom. Much less than Clear or Clear Beyond, and the synergy between the two different sets I’m using works well.

Ordered a second pair of Clear Reflection ICs for my other source. Very nice. :)

@decooney  I'm glad you've found a cable mix that has synergy in your room and for your ears. 

@sdl4 Thanks.  I disconnected my custom stereo subs this week for amp updates, and just running the main speakers standalone with no bottom end reinforcement. Not too bad, there is added lower midrange resolution that some of my former ICs did not reveal as well. Prior list includes 7 different pairs from Cardas, others from AudioQuest, Apature, Analysis Plus, Belden and a few other well regarded ICs. I do  mostly low-level listening and landing on a nice synergy is rewarding.  All preference and we may hear differently on what "sounds good" of course.  Thanks!  

I’ve been delighted with new Magnepan 1.7i with DWM bass panel. Initial boomy upper bass/lower midrange snapped into immensely better balance with 1.4 mHz inductors supplied by Magnepan. Preamp in this system is CJ Premier 17 series 2, amp is Classic 120. Interconnects are Cardas Clear Cygnus.
At this point I’m hearing a bit less definition in upper registers than I’d prefer. Present speaker cables are a mix of Cardas Parsec and Iridium. Reviews of Cardas Clear Cygnus speaker cable suggest they will reveal more 3-D info and better definition in upper register without being fatiguing while maintaining a bit of the “golden midrange” of the Parsec /Iridium…but I am not in a position where I can try before I buy. Hoping others have had relevant experience I can learn from.

@williampowell yes, your Parsec and Iridium are going to be a bit laid back/warmer/grainier sounding in comparison to Cygnus. They are different cable designs too. You can send an email to Cardas and Josh or Brian will explain differences with Cardas 1 or 2 copper and the 2-wire vs. 4-wire conductor layouts too. I’ve owned both and they are different, having tested both 2 and 4 wire designs and versions.

Is your Classic 120 amp the standard version with EL34 output tubes or the SE version with KT120 output tubes in it? If you are running the EL34s, missing some of the upper detail now, and had to choose, i’d likely suggest Cygnus over Parsec to pick up some of that upper register you are looking for as one option. If you choose to keep your EL34s, maybe call CJ (first) and ask if there are other coupling caps you can run in your Classic 120 to pick up some more detail, another option. Before any of these, you might ask them about trying other 6922 tubes to get closer, and its a less expensive option to try. This may not give you the Cygnus 3D affect and total upper register detail (and air) you are looking for though. Finding the right match of tubes / interconnects / speaker cables makes a difference to fine tune it a little more to your taste. Best of Luck.