so many speakers

With so many speakers on the market are there specific speakers that work better with specific music?
I will be the first too admit I am not as well versed in the audio world as 99% of the posters out here, but, do manufacturers have their own musical agenda when it comes to building speakers to their own musical taste. Just a thaught.
Another myth shattered on Audiogon....

Wolf's purportedly unharshable mellow is harshable, after all :-(
Speakers are like women. Except cheaper. All shapes and sizes. Some beautiful. Some not so. Guys have their favorites. Some make better mates with the rest of the gear than others. How to choose? A divorce from a particular is relatively cheap and simple. Hallelujah!
I've always wondered if wolves actually hear certain f requencies much better than we humans.
I've never claimed (or purported...which as an act sounds painful) to have unharshable mellow, and this sort of misinformation only results my mellow becoming harshed...again...more to the point, wondering if speaker manufacturers have their own taste is pretty funny. "Sorry Bob, I just don't care what the Magico Schmekerman Signature sounds like...just ship 'em out."