Sennheiser HD 700s need a lot of break-in?

Just received a pair of HD 700s today and I am pretty disappointed by the sound. It's very dull and closed sounding. Not what I expected. My 10 year old HD 600s sound far better right now. Those do have the Cardas cable but that can't be the sole reason. Does anyone have any experience with the HD 700s? Maybe they need a lot of break-in time? Any help is greatly appreciated!
All of the Sennheiser 600+ series headphones are excellent performers. I have also found the 580s to be very good-sounding. And I was able to purchase 2 pairs right here on the 'Gon for less than $200 total.

Give those 700s a couple hundred hours and I think you'll be well-rewarded...

I have the 700s and it is taking a long time to break in. I think I am at 100+ hrs. I asked the Cardas rep at RMAF when they would have some cables for the 700s and he said they were working on it.

I will get new cables when they come out (if ever) and if there is not much improvement, I will be looking at another set higher-end cans.
I appreciate all the helpful responses. For now I'll listen to my 600s while a burn-in CD plays on the 700s. I don't recall the 600s needing this much break-in but the Cardas cable did. It's interesting that none of the reviews on 700s mentioned break-in. Surely they did not review them straight out of the box. If and when Cardas comes out with a cable it will likely be well over $300 - a third the price of the 'phones. One would think on a $1,000 headphone a great cable would be standard. Oh well I won't judge too soon. I'll let the break-in run its course and post my findings.