33rpm vs 45rpm - which is better

Growing up, I was a big Peanuts comics fan including Vince Guaraldi’s music.

Recently, a remastered from tape “Great Pumpkin” vinyl was announced in both 331/3rpm and 45rpm, both are a single LP each at Elusive Disc. Both albums have the same number of songs.

It seems that playing slower allows for wider grooves, while faster may mean longer grooves. If so, I’ve no clue which one is better.

Which version offer the best sonics?





My vote goes to 45RPM.  Almost all of my best recordings are on 12" 45RPM discs.

Yes. Absolutely. The answer to this and every other single question is…….


Streaming!       LOL 


Maybe get them both and put the less liked one onto Disc cogs?

Wow, that didn't occur to me.  Guess I'll do that - $26 + $30 ain't much nowadays.  Thanks.



You didn’t say anything about your analog setup, does your system allows you to discern differences between 33 1/2 and 45 RPM vinyls? 

It should be - still assembling.  VPI Avenger>Etna/VDH Grand Cru/VHD Grail SB/Constellation Inspiration Pre+StereoAmp>Vimberg Mino D (just purchased AXPONA demo). Waiting for my 3 tonearms delivery (4point,Schroeder CB-L,Schlick) and about to purchase Siltech interconnects.

I usually assume that 2x45rpm is always superior to 1x33-1/3, but the single 1x45 had me perplexed.

Wow, that didn't occur to me.  Guess I'll do that - $26 + $30 ain't much nowadays.  Thanks

@kennyc - save the packing… You’ll need the packing to ship it.
(And we can work out a price off-line.)