Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors with a matching Woofer Monitor!
Very "sexy" and I have been listening to them for about 1.5 years and love what they do. Great detail with a huge side to side and front to back soundstage. I'm using SS amplification and a Dspeaker Dual Core 2.0 as preamp,dac and room correction device. All of this will fit perfectly in your budget and you will have a considerable amount left over for music!
Very "sexy" and I have been listening to them for about 1.5 years and love what they do. Great detail with a huge side to side and front to back soundstage. I'm using SS amplification and a Dspeaker Dual Core 2.0 as preamp,dac and room correction device. All of this will fit perfectly in your budget and you will have a considerable amount left over for music!