Analog’s Warm Sound: Tube amps into an AVR?!


I think I just realized that if I don’t have a turntable playing through my Cary Rocket 88 amplifier, then I have no chance and genuine analog sound?

Every digital piece that I have: Bluesound Node,DVD/CD player,

Blu-ray player… hmmm, they all have a DAC… digital… how much Analog sound is altered going through my choice of Marantz AVR or Bluesound Node… before reaching my Klipsch Heresy iv speakers? Am I really NOT hearing true analog by using DAC interconnects?


Yes, you are hearing analog. Probably little or no source material today that hasn't been through at least one digital stage, LPs included. No worries.

Vinyl sound has been something unique and coveted for decades. Basically because digital was in its infancy and could not duplicate its warmth and resolution. That difference is disappearing. For instance my streaming, CD player a vinyl produce equal results. I have a very high end system.

So, in todays world, given the component level you are at, vinyl can bring a big increase in resolution and realism if you invest in a TT of similar average cost to the rest of your components $3 - $4K. It is true that during the 80’s most recordings changed from Analog to digital. But often vinyl still sounded great… better than digital playback (CDs and files).


The real question for you is about your long-termed goals. If you want the best system that suites your tastes as far as sound quality and tonal balance… then don’t waste your money on vinyl. Put your money into upgrading all parts of your system to sound like you want. Mine does, my vinyl has the same character as CD, playing files, or streaming. The only difference is high resolution streaming can sound the best. Vinyl next and finally the restricted resolution of red book CD or streamed red book CD files.


The point is that today, you can craft digital to sound whatever way you like… although in your price range (but probably not ten years from now) you can get a big upgrade in sound from vinyl (but you have to buy vinyl records… probably a record cleaner). If collecting vinyl appeals to you, go for it. If not, continue to invest in your system to make it sound like you want it to.


It would be great seeing your system. There is a place under your User ID for photos of your system and to identify your components.