Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



I bought mine from hifi amplifiers, they came with a measurement sheet, I've been running them 24/7 since the 11th of may.

Alright, I’ve rolled for 2hours this morning.

Linlai with the following: NOS K/R, NOS Sylvania, NOS Tong Sol, Shuguang & Psvane Treasures. To my taste the Ken Rads sounded the best of the combos. I’m not going to keep the Linlai’s. So if anyone is interested, I have 4 for sale. 2 w/ 113hrs. & 2 w/ 100 hrs. PM me, & I get them out on Monday!

Hey @danmar123, thanks for your feedback and the pictures you posted.   What I found interesting from your pictures is that they look different than the picture posted from the "official" dealer Grand Fidelity.   Yours has the vertical letterings but the base of the tube has a very noticeable groove on it.   Here's the link to the Grand Fidelity tube.  The base is all smooth without the groove.

Where as the ones from Vivatubes have the horizontal letterings and the base have similar groove like yours.  We have assumed the ones sold by Vivatubes and many Chinese retailers are designed for Asian markets.   I now wonder if tubes supposedly designed for Western markets and those for Asian markets are actually the same tubes.   They are made to look different for marketing purpose and of course for higher profits.

These are not cheap tubes, and it's interesting to hear your feedback.  Thanks!

@lowrider57 Sorry am now back to my confused state. When you spoke to Grant Fidelity about the Chinese 6sn7 session ( the ones with the horizontal letterings) did they say it wasnt originals or just a matter of distribution in Asian markets as we had discussed prior. Also do you have the Globals too ( the ones with vertical letterings) and if so, how do the Chinese 6sn7 Linlais compare to the Globals.

 "I understand why they sound good in the Freya and Sachs preamps when used with a complimentary cathode follower."  May I know what you mean by this? Err in layman terms please. 

I  have the  Linlai E6sn7 Chinese version similar  @rocray  and I believe your initial purchase . Am still running it in.  Dont even think I have got 30 hours on em. Sounds slightly richer but not the nirvana stage yet. Think I need to run in further. Have been pairing Linlais with Sylvania GTBs and JJs at the buffer stage at the moment. Sylvanias sound more smoother on the highs,  refined, a liitle recessed better separation but less bass with the Linlais at the gains. Linlais   with the JJs, its more forward,  stronger imaging and heavier bass, but not as refined and smooth as well as  soundstage wise is not as good as the Sylvanias. Linlais with the Sylvanias makes for more involving listening.