McIntosh LB200?

What is your opinion of McIntosh LB200 - a box of nothing for $1,500? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xgubaface

To soon for it to be PE. This was in the pipeline well before the trigger was pulled on this PE deal.

Anyone that knows anything about manufacturing knows this. Even if it is sourced there is no way you get this done in a week. 

It's the first step of that private equity firm who bought McIntosh in bringing in a revenue stream. Or, so they think. That kind of thinking got us "premium" channels over the regular dreck.

@stereo5 this may help and hurt at the same time. Looks like the brand is going down the retail hill. Hell Best Buy sells this stuff, oh sorry Magnolia. 


They had a week to stop such a boneheaded thing to do. Look at all the negative press they're getting. 

You think they care what YOU think. Nope. Bet they sell a buttload of them in certain markets. 

What do you care anyway? 


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