hearing loss and amp choices

Found out yesterday that I have about 25-30% hearing loss in the right ear. Anything around 4000 hz and I display a sharp drop.

Currently looking for a new integrated such as the Vsi75, Sim Audio 700 series, Pass int 25, Belles Aria Sig and my distributor recommended the Rotel RA 6000 series which they are about to carry this  month.

The speakers are the very neutral and flat Studio 100's by ProAc.

My question revolves around the fact of hearing loss vs. expense for SQ. In other words what am i doing to be looking at a 10 or 16 thousand dollar int if my hearing won't appreciate it?

Do I look for something more articulated like the Rotel? Can I appreciate the nuances of tube gear with their richness?

Had Primare stuff (I-30) prior to this but it blew during a power surge and to tell the truth, thought the sound was a bit sterile with this series with little mid bass weight. Now I wonder if all this doesn't matter and should be looking for something with articulation that previously may have thought as "cold".

Just exploring what some of you may have experienced with any hearing loss in regard to previously perceived perceptions to SQ.


also to note.....as you hear less your brain gets inured to those sounds....and you perceive less.   A viscous circle.   Go get hearing aids.

@arro222 have you actually heard/noticed a significantly degraded sound quality? You mention 4000hz as a demarcation … ALL fundamentals live below that, as well as a lot of harmonics (for voices, and instruments whose fundamentals top out considerably lower). Hearing those missing harmonics through just one ear may not be making much of a negative impact.

@mahgister ...*G*  This Wed. for me.....'youngster'. *L*

@arro222 ...Restaurants still are a basket of noise to me, but my aids can be 'focused' so at least I can converse....to some degree of sense. ;)

I've tinnitus as well, loud machines and loud music brought me down.  And with what you've experienced of late likely did a tap dance on the way your mind is 'listening' for you.

At this point, anything that works for you is a good thing. *S*

Good luck & happy hunting, J 

@hotei and ghdprentice: 

Always wanted tubes thru these ProAcs. Had the Manley Stingray once but that piece was more ss sounding. Had a friend who lent me his Quick Silver triode mono amps. I think they just made 100 of those. Those were sublime but ran very hot.

Always wanted the Vsi75 when I first saw it. It was so compact and "together" looking. Why they made their new I 50 case work so hideous looking is beyond me or else might have sprung for that.  

What bothers me is when the 75 first came out, I saw it at $7950. Should have followed my heart then. Now it's 10K and i don't know what changed except the price. I understand it is not being made any longer. 

So on my short list is the Raven Osprey, Vsi 75, Rotel 6000RA (which is said to have a lot of Michi innards), and the Moon 700 series int. (dunno why that's at 16K. have to look inside). 

At least I will no longer consider to not being "ear worthy" for these more favored brands. Life has enough road blocks w/o imparting another one upon thyself.